A Walk in My Shoes

shoe-bootYou know the saying, ” don’t judge others, you don’t know someone’s life unless you’ve walked in their shoes.”  Well check these shoes out!  No seriously, I am not making light of this saying, but I am making a point that life slows you down from time to time.    My silly fall in the kitchen (see the Back to Reality Blog) resulted in foot surgery and now six weeks in this ugly boot shoe and crutches in the meantime.


I am not someone who moves slowly.  Like most of you, I’m always on the go with the kids, with work, exercising, multi-tasking, that’s just my pace.  Now, I am asking nicely for my kids to help out a lot around here!   Girls, can you please get me another ice bag, can you grab the phone, get the mail, let the dogs out, grab yourself a snack, etc.  It’s good for them to be more active helpers around the house, but it’s painful as I see the hours going by and how little I have accomplished.

A good friend spoke the truth.  “Enjoy the forced rest. You can’t fight it, so you’ll probably make yourself and your family a lot happier if you give in and take care of yourself.”

I can’t talk about walking in shoes without admitting the very superficial sadness of not being able to wear my nice shoes and high heels!   I am a girlie girl that yes, loves her shoes!  Well, they are lined up in my closet….waiting!  My 7 year-old added crystals to my shoe boot to make it “a little prettier.”

Until then, I am learning to slow down and enjoy the walk.


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  1. Deirdre Conran says:

    Hi Kim,
    My mom told me about your fall. I’m sorry to hear it was so serious. I hope you are on the mend now. If you need anything, call me! I love your website, by the way. It’s genius!! Take care, Deirdre (Walsh) Conran

  2. Marlene Koeller says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune. Your Mother brought this blog to my attention and I agree that it is genius. The shoes will be waiting for you and you will enjoy them even more once you can get back to wearing them. This too shall pass but I am sorry you have to go through this. Take care and know we are thinking of you. Love Marlene

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