Don’t Be Haunted by Cavities this Halloween

Dr. Allison Long, Prairie Dental Group

It is officially fall, which means Halloween will be here before we know it. Patients are already talking about their costumes. For kids and adults alike, many look forward to this time of year. The tips below will help keep you and your child’s smile strong and healthy.

Eat Candy With a Meal 

Saliva production increases during mealtime which helps rinse away food particles and sticky sugars. Additionally, saliva neutralizes harmful cavity causing acids. Eating candy at mealtime and avoiding snacking on candy throughout the day helps decrease the amount of sugar sticking to teeth. 

Be Picky about Sticky 

The best candy to reach for is chocolate! It is the easiest to rinse and brush off teeth. The stickier the candy the stronger it clings to your teeth. I am sure we can all remember having candy such as a starburst stuck in the grooves of our teeth. The longer candy is stuck the higher the likelihood that enamel tooth structure is being eroded. Aside from sticky candy, be careful while eating hard candy because of increased chances of broken or cracked teeth!

Wash and Brush ‘Em 

If you have listened to our Saturday morning radio show on 92.7 WMAY recently, then you have probably heard us talk about the importance of water! It is truly one of the best drinks for your mouth. It aids saliva by washing away harmful sugar and acid. Unless sticky sugar is mechanically removed from the grooves of teeth with a toothbrush, it can stay there all night long! Prioritize brushing before bed after eating candy. 

Operation Gratitude at Prairie Dental Group

Don’t throw away your leftover candy. Bring it to us! We collect candy after Halloween and donate to Operation Gratitude. They deliver candy to deployed troops, military children, recruit graduates, veterans, and first responders. 

Please reach out if you have any dental questions or needs, we would love to help! Welcoming patients of all ages. Call  us at 217-546-0412 or visit online

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