Commencement Speeches Inspire!

Graduation_May2014_resizedA hearty congrats to the class of 2014!  Whether it’s graduation from preschool, middle school, high school or college; this is a milestone to be celebrated.  This past weekend our family got to enjoy the celebration of my nephew’s high school graduation.  It was energizing to watch the excitement of the students as they walked across the stage ready to move on to a new chapter in their lives surrounded by beaming pride and emotion from their proud parents and family members throughout the auditorium.

The commencement speaker was particularly good.  His message was simple and surrounded by a memorable story to put it in context.  “Don’t make excuses for not being great!”  Translation:  we ALL have unique talents and abilities to excel and be great; it’s up to us to bring those to the forefront.  

Several states away, University of Texas-Austin students had the benefit of hearing this U.S. Navy SEAL Commander’s commencement speech in person, but I still find it just as empowering to read or listen to online.  If you need inspiration on how to be great…follow his plan!  Start by making your bed, every day.  Take a moment to share your thoughts and when you’re having one of those off days…come back here and listen again!

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