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You’re Not the Boss of Me! Sibling Rivalry and Life Lessons

“You’re not the boss of me!” says little sis to big sis. The lovely sounds of sibling bickering were in full force this past weekend….in the car, in their rooms; it’s all part of the joy/annoyance of siblings growing up together. I am the youngest of three so I know first hand what this is all about. You have to hold your ground as a sibling, especially if one is calling seniority or other strategic moves! So despite the annoyance of their sounds of bickering, I know it’s teaching them lessons. They are learning to stand up for what they want and need. In this example, it’s little sis taking the lead to tell big sis that she can’t make all of the decisions when they are playing “mommies with our doll babies.” I was so glad to hear little sis repeating over and over “You’re not the boss of me!”

I waited a while before I walked in their rooms, listening and waiting for things to settle down a bit. It’s always nice to have a teaching moment that actually works every once in awhile. Big sis backed down and realized that she can’t always have it her way (even when she is playing with her little sister). Little sis learned that it felt good to stand up on her own two feet.

Mission accomplished…well, for today at least!


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