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You Can Compost, Too! Composting 101

compost2We’ve all heard of composting, but do you really know what it’s all about and why you would want to start composting? Here are the basics to get started!

What is composting?
Composting is the intentional degrading of organic materials, such as yard waste, food scraps and even certain paper products. Nature takes its course, and the end result is a nutrient-rich compound that you can use for planting around your home.

Why compost?
There are many reasons to start composting, including:

What can I compost?
Grass clippings, leaves, wood chips, other plant material from your yard and garden – take care with the “green” items; don’t put too much on your pile.

What can’t I compost?

Step 1 to Getting Started – Bin or Pile?compost
There are a couple of ways to go – purchase or re-purpose a bin or create a pile somewhere behind your home. This depends upon how sacred your backyard is and what your budget is. If you have a limited budget, a pile is the way to go and it can go anywhere in your backyard (behind a shed, fence, etc.). If you are worried about the appearance of a piled heap, consider purchasing a compost bin. Your compost pile should be placed in a sunny spot if you live in a cold area, and in a shady spot if you live in a warmer area.

Here are some ideas:

Homemade Bin

Purchased Bin

Maintain your compost pile and be patient.

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