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Wonton Soup





Thank you to Kari Thevenot for submitting this recipe from www.allrecipes.com. This recipe is a family favorite, and is a way to bring the kids into the kitchen. With a little guidance, the kids can be extremely helpful in filling and sealing the wonton wrappers. This soup is extremely flavorful!


In a large bowl, combine pork, shrimp, sugar, wine, soy sauce, 1 tsp. chopped green onion, and ginger. Blend well, and let stand for 25-30 minutes.

Place about one teaspoon of the filling at the center of each wonton wrapper. Moisten all four edges of the wrapper with water, then pull the top corner down to the bottom. Fold the wrapper over the filling, making a triangle shape. Press the edges firmly to make a seal. Bring the left and right corners together above the filling. Overlap the tips of these corners, moisten with water and seal together. Continue until all the wrappers are used.

Bring the chicken stock to a rolling boil. Drop wontons in, and cook for five minutes. Garnish with the remaining green onions and serve.

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