By: Dr. Allison Long, Prairie Dental Group
This is an excellent question! If you have been wondering about this, you are not alone. It is a very common question.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends establishing a dental provider for your child as early as their first birthday. This allows for the dentist to evaluate the baby’s teeth coming in, home hygiene, and soft tissues within their mouth. As well as guidance for parents of what to expect going forward. Our practice guidelines are adopted from these recommendations.
Once patients have turned 3, we encourage them to “go for a ride” in a dental chair for a formal dental examination and radiographs. I never want my younger patients to feel nervous about what is about to happen and in order to ensure the patient is comfortable, I like to use the method called “Tell-Show- Do”. I tell them about my mirror and “tooth counter”. I show them my instruments. If a patient is hesitant, I show them how my “tooth counter” instrument might feel by letting it touch their finger nail. This way they can see what it looks like and how it feels. Then, we count their teeth together as I do a clinical exam. Sometimes, younger patients help with their exam by holding the suction. Many patients’ nerves are replaced by excitement because they feel like they are involved in their exam. I enjoy taking the time to make sure even the youngest patients have a good experience.
It is never too late to establish a dental home. We welcome patients of all ages at Prairie Dental Group! If you have any questions or would like to schedule, please call us at 217-546-0412.
We understand every child is different and may need adjusted oral health care. Please reach out if you have any questions, we would love to help! Prairie Dental Group 217-546-0412 or visit us online
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