Wag More, Bark Less

We can learn a lot from our kids…and our four-legged friends.  At my daughters’ school open house last night, a sign on their student support teacher’s room showed Tucker, the peace dog, and his saying “Wag More, Bark Less!”


That made me smile…and I immediately jotted it in my iPhone notes.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could wag (smile, laugh, compliment, appreciate) more….and bark (complain, whine, gossip) less?


I strive to surround myself with the people that prefer to wag .  Now, we all don’t have perfect lives by any means, but I prefer to be around those that take the good with the bad and focus on the good.  It’s a conscious choice, and one that dogs seems to have down pat.


So take a moment and the time you feel yourself ready to bark….take a moment and consider what Fido would do and see if you can adjust.


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