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Top 15 Parenting Tips for Toddlers & PreK from Our Readers

We asked our Facebook followers, what is your best advice for raising a toddler or PreK child?  We were overwhelmed with the response! There were many great tips and wonderful pieces of advice. We all know what wonderful and magical spirits two, three, and four year olds have; but we also know how difficult they can be at times. Below is a list of the top 15 parenting tips for toddlers from our readers.

15. Teach them Manners.  Several of our readers talked about the importance of manners.  Learning manners and social skills help children navigate the world of friendships and relationships.

14. Let them help with tasks around the house. While it may take a lot longer to get things done with little ones helping it will teach them responsibility. They will take pride in small accomplishments.

13. Remember Each Child is Different. What worked for your older children may not work for their younger siblings.  Adapt for each child’s personality.

12.  Be a Role Model.  Remember they are watching every move.  They learn from you.  How you handle disappointment will be how they learn to handle it as well.

11. Teach them to play by themselves as well as with others.  Learning to entertain themselves is a wonderful skill for them to have.  Making sure they socialize with others is also very important.  Provide opportunities for both.

10. Sometimes let the meltdowns happen.  A good cry can help children recuperate and move on. Sometimes this goes for parents too.

9. Make Messes. This age is full of exploration. Let them really experience their world.  Have fun and get messy with them.

8. Have realistic expectations.  Remember they are only two, three, or four. A great tip a reader shared was after explaining something, allow them time to comprehend what you just said.  

7.  Say “Yes” as much as you can.  We all respond better to positivity.  One reader said “Saying ‘Yes’ will help them deal with the times you have to say ‘no’.” little boy with glasses looking up

6.  Daily Routines.  When children know what to expect they are able to better deal with their surroundings. Routines help children transition from one activity to another.

5.  Take Lots of Pictures. They grow so quickly that you want to capture this moment.

4.  Live in the moment and slow down. Don’t take so many pictures that you aren’t actively participating in the moment. While you may want to capture every moment on film, it’s ok to take mental pictures sometime instead.

3.  Trust Yourself.  No one knows your kiddos as well as you.  You know what is best.  Go with your gut.

2.  Love, Love, Love!  Teach them that your love will be there no matter what.  Play with them as much as possible and give lots of hugs.

1.  Have a sense of humor. The most common trend from our readers: Sometimes you just have to laugh.

List compiled by Lauren Coleman, a busy Springfield Mom of two daughters and one son.







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