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Tips for Your Upcoming Fall and Halloween Parties

Thanks to Springfield Mom Ann Gemberling for her advice on planning fall and Halloween parties!

With the school year now under way, students’ calendars start to fill with activities. Halloween is just around the corner with festivities, costumes and more. Fall sports are ending, but field trips and team parties start to fill in the blanks on the calendar. One of the first fall activities for a grade school child is the Fall/Halloween class party. For some lucky parents, the job of room parent/class coordinator is assigned. These parents then go searching for ideas of fun activities to make sure their classroom party is talked about all year.

For many, taking on this task can seem overwhelming! I mean I don’t know if you have found yourself down the Pinterest rabbit hole before, but it is real! We move from searching for a few inspirational ideas to find ourselves hours later with a mile-long list of things and zero production has happened! Just me?! I have found the best solution to this by breaking down the “job” into smaller, achievable steps. Preventing the overwhelm and exhaustion and replacing those with joy and intentionality. The ‘how’ you ask? Well, I am here to share!

Step 1: Logistics

Once you have a clear direction, the planning can begin.

Step 2: Choose snacks and drinks

Many schools require pre-packaged or store-bought treats. Be sure to follow your school’s policy, as well as, keeping any food allergies in mind. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Step 3: Chose age-appropriate activities

Activity stations are a genius way to keep kids busy while having some order. Have 3-4 small groups cycle through each activity station.

When choosing activities, it is important to keep the craft or activity simple and manageable within the time given. Keep in mind that most crafts will be taken home the same day, so remember to plan in drying time needed for painted or glued crafts. Here are a

few games and crafts that will keep the kids entertained:

Step 4: Sign-up Sheet & Delegate

The goal of any room parent is to enlist help with pulling off a memorable fall party. Many parents may not want the responsibility of the “room parent” role, but are more than willing to step up to the plate and help! Of course, organizing who is doing what or bringing what item can be a challenge.

Step 5: Party Clean Up

Classroom parties are fun for both the child and the parent volunteer. If all does not go as planned, no one will know and the kids will still have a great time. Relax and have fun, too!

About Ann (Every Little Thing Gemberling)
Hi! I’m Ann Gemberling – blog writer for Every Little Thing Gemberling. I am the wife to Jay and the mom to 3 amazing kids! I’m a special needs, twin-momma whose hope is to lift your spirits and give hope to all that may be facing difficult journeys. I welcome you to my tiny corner in the online world at www.everylittlethinggemberling.org. With love.

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