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Those Priceless Moments

After a busy day at work for me and a busy school day for my girls, we stopped at an office supply store on the way to our favorite mexican restaurant.  The girls were begging me to get new markers, and I caved in without a fight.  They were about $4 a box per child, and my girls were jumping up and down like they’d just received Jimmy Choo high heels!   (I need to learn from them on this one!)

My oldest immediately asked, “Mommy, when we get home, can I draw you a picture?”


WOW!  My response?  “Of course…how thoughtful!” As soon as we finished eating, she leaned over again…”mommy, let’s go home so we can draw our pictures!”


We settled back home, and they both sat at the counter with their new markers, clipboards with blank white paper.  I watched them as they took their time to craft their special gifts.  In just about 20 minutes, I had two heartfelt pictures full of color, life and LOVE! Filled with I love you messages, XOXOXOX’s, rainbows, smiles, mommy/child holding hands, and a magic flag for good luck. I’m speechless and teary-eyed.


I immediately got my laminating sheets out, taped them up on our cabinets and told them over and over again that anytime they give me hugs and homemade art that it makes me the happiest mom in the world.


“Did you know I am the happiest mom in the world?  “Yep!” was their response.


Phew, some days I get this parenting thing right, and these moments are never forgotten.  🙂



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