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The Perfect Morning

One of my favorite songs is EASY by the Commodores, “you’re easy like Sunday morning” is one of the recurring lyrics.  I love the option to sleep in, not rush out to the activity of the day; instead just letting the day take you where you want.  Yesterday, this meant enjoying special one-on-one time with my oldest daughter.  It was 7:00 a.m., and we sat on the patio and enjoyed the shade, a slight breeze and sitting outside without sweating!  What a treat!

We played with the dog, watered our plants, looked through our favorite magazines and just shared our opinions on what we like and what we don’t like.

I was amazed when she shared her first celebrity crush (the son of an A list actress not be be named….I promised!)  It’s these easy moments of conversation and simple activities that bring me so much satisfaction; it’s a morning I won’t forget for awhile!

Of course, we sealed off this perfect morning with trip to my favorite Sunday morning tradition from my childhood, a trip to Mel-O-Cream donuts….perfection!

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