One of the topics that all parents have to deal with is how to talk to our kids about sex. Years ago, I remember watching an episode of Oprah that covered this topic in-depth.
Oprah’s guest Dr. Berman presented a very matter of fact guide of the how, when and what to tell our kids. I hope you will find this a valuable resource for your kids. For those of you with tweens and raging hormones, it’s not too late!
They talked also about the dangers of “Sexting” and the “bases” at middle school. Watching a room full of tween girls answer questions about the sexual choices in their social crowds proved unsettling. I pictured my own girls and their responses someday, and I hope to adequately prepare them for the pressures ahead.
This is certainly a subject each family will handle with their own pace and preference for educating their children, but I hope you will find the information useful to adapt within your own parenting style.
Visit for How to’s, Resources and much more on “The Talk”.