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SpringfieldMoms.org ‘Skillet Sweet Catch’ at the Sliders Game

We had a blast at the home season opener at the Sliders game last weekend!  Be sure to grab your family and enjoy one of THREE games this weekend!  PRINT our buy one get one reserved seat admission and you get TWO great seats for $8!

Keep your eye out for the SpringfieldMoms.org Skillet Sweet Catch, a fun on field promo where two moms will be selected to catch bean bags flying through the air in a skillet.

Sounds easy?  It’s not!


Dawn Diveley and I gave this a try at the opener, and I was an inch off every time!  Dawn did catch one of out of three.  As you can see from the photos, my daughters were cheering us on and a bit mortified that their mom didn’t catch any!  A tip…move your feet and aim high with the skillet!


Whoever catches the most bean bags in their skillet (and you have to keep them in there between turns!) wins a dozen FREE Gourmet Cupcakes from Cafe Moxo in downtown Springfield YUM!

I am really hoping Dawn might share one with me 🙂


I think my daughters also added in a few more bean bags to the fanfare just for fun.  Note my yellow one was a near miss…doh!



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