Snuggling With My Sister

Sisters Sleeping“A sister is a lifelong friend.”

This quote was written in a card from a good friend upon the birth of my youngest daughter.   Last night, we had to rush to the ER with little sis Vanessa, and her big sis Amanda immediately sprang into care-taking mode.  She cried first and then grabbed paper and her favorite markers and began to make her a get well card.  Amanda has always been able to express herself beautifully through her drawings.


Her younger sister has had a host of challenging medical issues the past two years, and Amanda worries about her.  When Vanessa has to go to the doctor or the hospital, Amanda asks how long will she be there? It’s a valid question, but we assure her this time, it’s just for a quick visit.


We went to the ER with picture in hand, and the two sisters sat on the bed and played doctor/patient with giggles galore. When we were settled back home, I heard rustling a few hours later, and Amanda had woken up and went immediately to Vanessa’s bed and crawled in next to her.


It’s moments like these that seems to dissolve our parenting woes. The connection and bond these two sisters have is the gift I am most proud of.


I am fortunate to have two older siblings who are wonderful influences and lifelong friends.  We laugh at the years of door slamming, kicking, fighting and borrowing things without asking (and lying about it).  It’s just the nature of the beast.  We also have a vault of family memories that can be released at any time; it’s powerful ammunition.  But hands down, when the going gets tough, my siblings are there for me.


Remind me of this blog post the next time my own two young ones are screaming at each other!







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