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Save Money by Buying Beef Wholesale

Thanks to Bobbie Babbs for contributing this post — we hope you’ll be inspired!

Buying beef wholesale is an amazing way to cut grocery costs and It is also some of the most delicious beef you will ever have. We have paid anywhere from $500-$650 for a 1/4 of beef. This last time we received 202 lbs of meat and paid $2.51 a lb for it.

How it works:

  1. You need to decide how much beef you want or need. It is much harder to get an 1/8 of beef so the minimum I recommend is 1/4. To give an estimate, this March we bought 1/4 and it was 202 lbs of meat.
  2. You need to contact a farmer. You can also contact a meat locker directly and they can assist with connecting you with someone. In Central Illinois my family exclusively uses Atlanta Locker Service, 217-648-2333. We trust them and they are always honest and clean.
  3. You will need to order your cuts of meat. Don’t freak out. It is easy to decide what cuts you want. We normally say ground beef, roasts, and steaks. You don’t need to be more specific.
  4. Once it is ready you get a call to pick up your beef.

What we got with our last order:

Wondering how much beef you need for your family? We have a family of 4 (2 children and 2 adults). This lasts us at least 6 months or more. I try to only serve beef 2 times a week.

For the complete step by step information plus more answers to questions, visit Bobbie’s post on her blog at: http://midwesthunterswife.com/2018/07/06/buying-meat-in-bulk/

Follow Bobbie on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/midwesthunterswife/ and Twitter: @MWHuntersWife

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