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Readers share their Holiday Traditions

We love hearing how our readers celebrate the holidays.  Here are some of their wonderful ways they celebrate.  Perhaps some of these you can incorporate into your festivities.

From driving around and looking at the lights to just simply spending time with loved ones, our readers really take advantage of the fun things to do around Springfield.

Several readers shared the idea of the Christmas Eve box. In the box a new movie, Christmas pajamas, hot chocolate and an ornament.

Baking cookies with Grandma or baking cookies to give as gifts is another way our readers celebrate.

Watching classic Christmas movies such as Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas”

One reader shares a unique spin on wrapping presents:  Reading the Christmas story before opening anything and praying as a family!! Then each kid opening their stocking and finding the scrap of wrapping paper that coincides with the wrapping paper their presents are wrapped in.

Building Gingerbread Houses with the little ones.

Shopping for Toys for Tots or donating time volunteering to help local shelters is a very special way our readers create traditions as well as give back.

Going ice skating is a fun way to celebrate.

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