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Readers Give Their Favorite Parenting Advice Part 2

We loved reading all the updates from YOU, our loyal readers, regarding the best parenting advice you have learned through experience.  As we all know, we learn from each other and we always have to adapt to our kids, our situations and anything that tends to happen!  It feels good to read these tips and know that the bottom line is all of us are doing our best and learning along the way.  

Family Eating Breakfast“When you have twins they may look alike but they are two very different people!! Don’t compare your children to each other, that only causes drama.” Angie G.

“Count to see how fast the kids can do something. This really helps when they don’t want to do what you ask. I let them tell me when to start and they can’t wait to see how fast they are.” Kendra S.

“Children are a gift, treasure them!” Laurie H.

“Save your No’s for more serious issues. Always put your children first, get down and play and interact with your child. When a child acts up, it’s most likely he/she is just needing your attention. Leave the messes and excuses for a later time, they are only little for so long and you can’t get those years back. Give lots of hugs and kisses cause you’ll never know when it could be the last.” Amy B., mom to Emma, 4, and Annabelle, 2 (and baby on the way!)

“Get your kids on a schedule as soon as possible. A structured schedule is necessary for them and your sanity is priceless. Same goes for sleeping and naps. Hard work, but the payoff is priceless.” Lindsey S., mom to Beckett, 25 months, and Laina, 2 months.

“When your kids are driving you crazy – especially as toddlers – have everyone go outside & run around for a while – a walk around the block, running up & down the driveway, whatever. By the time you come back in, everyone feels so much better & all the craziness is gone. We still do this even though they aren’t toddlers anymore!” Alexis S., mom to Maggie, 10, Damon, 8, and Jeffrey, 6.

“Pick your battles, let the small things go, and enjoy the moment.” Lauren S.Family reading.

“Allow the kids to fly their freak flag as much as possible( of course not encroaching on others’ space and not harming themselves)!” Vasanta M.

“Always remember to sprinkle in some fun!! Teach them to not take things too seriously-thinks always have a way of working out! & most important of all-NORMAL IS BORING!!” Diana E., mom to Taylor, 13, and Matt, 10. 

“When they argue make them face each other and hold hands and sing the Barney “I love you, you love me” song. Works like a charm.” Sarah P., mom to Sami, 7, and Max, 2 1/2. 

“Listen to all the advice you can on parenting…. But at the end of the day it’s YOU at home with your child, so feel free to use or IGNORE anything that a person may have suggested. Every child is different and what works for one may not work for another!” Sarah M., mom to Jake, 3, and Zach, 1.

“Read to them EVERY single night. From one month until they move out…My daughter is almost 9 and she still looks forward to our nightly quiet reading/giggling/talking session.”  Holly D.

“One night each week is our family night, where we go out to eat, maybe get frozen yogurt at Cherry Berry or do some shopping. Viviana is four and we think it’s important for her to spend time with us as a family. This is one night where the TV is off!” Deborah P., mom to Viviana, 4


Click here for the Part one responses from our Readers.

Congrats to Vasanta M. who won the two tickets to Peter Pan at The Muni!

Thanks to everyone for their wonderful contributions.

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