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Newborns and New Moms – Tips for Bringing Home a New Baby

mom and babyThank you to SIU Center for Family Medicine physician Ashley Howard, MD for sharing this resource with our readers.

Being a new mom is challenging. New babies mean a change in a routine, or sometimes no routine at all depending on your baby’s personality. During pregnancy, you experienced changes in hormones that may have made you cry at dog food commercials, irritable if you were stuck in traffic, or ready to vomit at the smell of fish. After childbirth, our bodies go through fast changes in hormones, we are no longer growing a life inside of our uterus, but are now responsible for keeping a tiny human alive in a very big world.

Motherhood is hard, and can be even harder if you do not have a strong support system. If you work outside the home, it is important for you to discuss accommodations for pumping breastmilk if you are using direct or indirect breastfeeding as your baby’s food, your provider or the baby’s health care provider can write you a letter to explain the medical need for this since your baby’s nutrition depends on it if you are exclusively breastfeeding.

Being a mom is a demanding job, it is important for you to take care of yourself in order to be the best mom that you can be.

Taking care of your baby is also something that can be inherent for many women. For others, some tips may be helpful:

Ashley Howard, MD, is a family medicine physician at SIU Medicine’s Center for Family Medicine in Taylorville, and is passionate about improving health for new moms and babies.


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