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New! Sesame Street Website for Military, Veteran Families

Sesame Street for military familiesThis is a great idea for our military personnel, veterans and their families with small children. Sesame Workshop and the Department of Defense’s National Center for Telehealth & Technology have launched a new website for military and Veteran Families: Sesame Street for Military Families.

The website and mobile app features the beloved Sesame Street Muppet™ characters to help preschool military and Veteran children cope with issues, which may include the deployment of a parent, moving to a new home, and the injury or even death of a parent. Additional content on Sesame Street for Military Families includes the highly successful “Talk, Listen, Connect” multimedia resources and the “Feel Electric!” and “The Big Moving Adventure” mobile applications.

If you or someone you know has children and/or works with children of military and Veteran families, please share these resources designed to support their unique challenges.



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