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Nashville Weekend Trip

Nashville is a great place for a long weekend or even a week-long family vacation! Thanks to the Soppe Family from Chatham for sharing their experiences during their 5-day vacation in Nashville!

Being a family of 6 taking a vacation can be somewhat pricey, so we are always looking for deals. This trip to Nashville was no exception. I would encourage you to send off for the Nashville Visitor’s Guide. There you can get a brief description of what all this music city has to offer. In digging deeper, I found a great offer by using Total Access Pass that would allow us to several attractions at a reduced rate per person.  Be sure to do your research to get the most out of your money. Read the descriptions carefully so you know what your access pass will get you. Here are some highlights from our trip.

Basic Overview

This city is a 6-hour trip from Springfield — long enough that it really feels like getting away, and especially when you need weather that’s just a bit warmer than home!  A great place for planning your trip is: visitmusiccity.com

Suggested Attractions

Parking: in downtown Nashville, your best bet is to park at the Public Library.

Submitted by Barb Soppe. Barb lives in Chatham and is mom to Justin, Skylar, Sierra, and Jaide. 

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