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My 7-year-old “Hacker” Steals My iPhone … Priceless

I received a text from a friend the other day: “Has someone hijacked your iPhone or did you forget how to spell “awesome?”


What was this about?


And then, it hit me.  Just a few minutes before, my  7-year-old was holding my iPhone supposedly playing her typical apps: Doodlebuddy, Flick Fishing or maybe Bubble Wrap.  I glanced at her one time and said “Amanda, you are up to something…”  She denied it and kept playing.  But, my gut said no, she was doing something or playing on an app she is not supposed to.


I immediately checked my Facebook app, and sure enough, she had posted a status update on my profile.  She had typed:  “kim little’s website is asome!”

Hilarious for so many reasons.

1.  My status update referring to myself in the third person, nice.

2.  My status update was over the top!  asome  (that’s the 7 year-old spelling for awesome!)

3.  I will never forget this update;  it will truly be my favorite one of all time.


How can you not love the sentiment behind the update … precious and priceless.


Have an awesome day!



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