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Monday, Monday…

The first words from my daughter this morning, “Mommy, why can’t school be on Saturday and Sunday, and the weekend be Monday through Friday?”


What a reasonable request I thought!  Little did she know as soon as my alarm went off that the first thought in my head was, I wish it were Saturday morning!  We had a great weekend together, and I just wanted to repeat that time again…and get more sleep and catch up more around the house.


But, we all know that’s not how it works.  Time races on and we have to enjoy every moment.


Today is a particularly hard morning to get up and go.  The view out my office window is nothing but a hazy, foggy mist…ah well, I’m turning on some good music and plowing through my work.   The weekend will be here in due time!  Cheers to a great week; and I’m going to make a fresh pot of coffee right now!





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