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Making Every Day A Clean Slate

I think we are all ready for that clean slate!  I still enjoy  flipping my wall calendar to that clean, clear January page every year.  365 new days ahead (and this year 366 with Leap Year!)   For some reason, despite the face that each day is truly an opportunity to start fresh, for some reason it takes the launch of a new year for many of us to set those goals and truly feel that fresh start.

I’m okay with that; I like the feeling of the virtual clean slate when the new year begins.

Do I believe in setting resolutions?  Always!  I force myself to write them down so they are visible, action-oriented and ready to review at any time.  In today’s hi-tech app driven world, I still love the old fashioned task of taking notebook and making my list and editing them into the ones that make the list that remains on my nightstand.  It’s been fun on Facebook to review friends’ resolution reviews from 2011 and to see their 2012 lists coming online.

I wish I had a journal that compiled my resolutions from childhood ( I think I started in junior high) through today.  One page per year.  It would be intesting to see the changes and even the similarities over time.  Drinking more water is one that has been consistent since junior high (as I’ve converted from Tab and Diet Rite to the modern Coke Zero addiction.)  There’s always a common theme of being more balanced in work/life, having more FUN, staying healthy and fit, eating less junk and sugar, and spending more quality time with family and friends.

This year I’m going to dig a little deeper in my resolutions; at the end of the year I want to feel like I’ve truly expanded my development in one way or another.  Outcome TBD, but it will be a day by day process!

I love to grab inspiration from my friends, fellow bloggers, and corporate leaders.  Everyone has their own spin on goal-setting and resolutions.  Thanks to everyone for sharing your vision, your advice and the overall acknowledgement that resolutions are hard work….being consistent, accepting failures and managing lifes’ constant happenings to sidetrack and distract.  It’s so important to support each other, to get right back and up and keep going day by day.   The clean slate is something we can choose on any given day.

Wishing you and yours a year filled with all of the hopes, dreams, laughter, memories and goals achieved that you desire!

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