Green Living Website Resource List
by Kim on April 19th, 2017 at 10:00 AM
- The EPA sponsors this site. It includes information to improve your house’s energy usage and how to build a better home for the environment.
- This site gives tips on w
here to find the best organic products and home improvements that will use less energy.
- While this site has a lot of great information about your health and safety of products, I use the Cosmetic Safety Database most frequently. You can type in the name of your toothpaste, make up, baby wash, and much more and find out what is in your products and how it affects your body. You can also search by ingredient or by the product category to find out what brands are the best to use. It is a very user friendly site and a great way to educate yourself about how to avoid harmful chemicals.
- is a website started by a local Springfield family wanting to make a difference in their community and world. You can join an online group of other local people wanting to cut their carbon emissions by pledging to change their lifestyle. You can then track your progress. The site also has a store, discussion boards, and links to other resources.
- Lots of green tips and articles
- Green TV Channel
- Advice on raising children safely in a toxic world.