- What is Springfield Moms? Don’t let our name or website address fool you, Springfield Moms has something for everyone. Visit the A-Z Resource guide.
- I can’t find what I am looking for. The best bet is to check our A-Z Resource Index of all resource pages. Don’t forget our Search feature to search keywords across all posts. If you still can’t find something, email us at springfieldmoms.org@gmail.com, and we will help you find what you need.
- We just moved here, and I want to connect with other moms online. What do you recommend? Check out the Support Groups on the A-Z index
- What’s the quickest way to access a targeted list of resources? Choose the A-Z index for the categories of all the “posts” (articles, resources, events or coupons) on our website. If you don’t see what you need, you can use the Search box which will search keywords across all posts.
- How do I print or share a post on your website? At the end of each “post,” you will see an option to “Print” just the information in that post. You may also choose “Email” and share any post.