Five to Eight-Year-Old Book Picks
by Lisa on March 11th, 2019 at 9:27 AM
- I Am a Story by Dan Yaccarino. HarperCollins 2016. Stories have been around for the entire existence
of humankind. In this picture book, children learn about stories from cave drawings to today, and how stories are told in so many ways.
- The Legend of Lightning Larry by Aaron Shepard. Skyhook Press 2008. If your child likes cowboys, this silly book is perfect for reading out loud.
- The Digger and the Flower by Joseph Kuefler. Balzer + Bray, 2018. An inspiring story with construction equipment that has tenderness and emotion.
Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse by Rebecca Janna. Dutton Books for Young Readers 2010. A story about how imagination is sometimes needed to live out your dreams.
Clara the Cookie Fairy by Tim Bugbird and Lara Ede. Make Believe Ideas 2014. Aspiring princesses will learn about valuing the things they own.
The World Champion of Staying Awake by Sean Taylor. Candlewick 2011. A fun bedtime book!
If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff. HarperCollins 2005. A charming story in the If You Give… series.
Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin. Simon Spotlight 2016. Farmer Brown’s farm has all kinds of animal sounds, but when his cows begin typing a request on a typewriter, it’s time for bargaining and compromise.
Hey Jack books by Sally Rippin. A series full of down to earth, real life stories that boys can enjoy and relate to.
- Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein, illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger. Magination Press, 2013. This book helps children learn to explore their emotions, and that it’s okay to feel however they may.
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin. HarperCollins 2012. What happens when a button falls off of Pete the Cat’s favorite shirt?
Are You Ready to Play Outside by Mo Willems. Disney-Hyperion 2015. Will a rainy day ruin the fun of playtime outdoors? Find out!
Lego Star Wars Droid Tales by Michael Price. Scholastic 2015. Entertaining companion book to the “Droid Tales” DVD, but your child will enjoy the book even without having seen the DVD.