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School Papers and Projects: Reader Tips for Organizing

School means an onslaught of paperwork, backpacks, projects and lunchboxes. If not prepared, we can be sent into a tailspin.  Here are a few sanity savers:

Home from School…..Where Does All This Stuff Go!?

Quick Strategies for Sifting Through the Backpack/Homework Folder!

For most of us, the problem is all the things we need to look at later. If we can’t deal with everything right away, we might put it aside for later and then forget. Consider this helpful system that has worked in our household:

I have a board with FOUR clips on it. The clips are labeled as follows:

  1. Sign and return
  2. Dates to Calendar
  3. Papers to review (papers you want to look at more closely later, show your spouse or review with your child)
  4. Papers to Save (a great paper you want to showcase for awhile)

This board can be decorative. Try this on a refrigerator or where you will be sure to see it. The goal is to make sure these clips are emptied weekly. This hopefully helps papers from “stacking up.” Use the same clip system for multiple children or have separate ones for each child.

System Ideas For Storing the Important Stuff

(Student handbooks, PTO information, classroom information/rules). I have used two systems that I like for storing information.

A. Box System (A small file box full of file folders according to your needs)
B. Binder System (my favorite)

I have a binder for each of my boys. I put their name on the outside binding. I have typed all of the School and Classroom information and put this piece of paper on the inside cover of the binder. I include the teacher’s “Classroom Rules,” Tips, Classroom party information, etc. If I decide to save a certain piece of my child’s work, I stick it in the binder.

The “Ahhhh” Stuff to Save for Years Laterboy writing

I don’t keep everything. I try to choose the best. During the year I put these items inside the binder/folder but at the end of the school year I re-evaluate what I have saved and put these papers in a more permanent location.

I hope these tips help ease the extra paperwork that comes into the house when school starts. Remember, the year goes by really fast so try to enjoy it!

Submitted by Springfield Moms reader Amy Peterson.


Additional Reader Tips:




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