- Springfield Moms, Dads, Grandparents FREE Family Resources for Springfield and Central Illinois - https://springfieldmoms.org -

Dawn…#1 SPMOM Tribute!

SpringfieldMoms.org is proud to be celebrating SEVEN years in the community!   We’re so grateful to you our readers for your loyal support and continuous word of mouth to your friends.  Supporting our sponsors keeps the website LIVE, but without our fantastic staff there wouldn’t be the vast, current and reliable warehouse of resources at your fingertips 24/7!  On that note…

My right hand for 7 years, Dawn Raycraft has decided to retire from her staff position with Springfield Moms after giving countless hours of service, hard work and creative talents.   Dawn and I met via email.  She received a link to our very first e-newsletter back in November 2004 and immediately reached out to me saying…”I have some ideas for a birthday party directory for the website, and I’d be willing to share articles and tips with other parents!”  We scheduled a coffee meeting very soon after, and the rest (as they say) is history.

What blossomed from there was a new found friendship and a mom committed to helping in any way!  Dawn utilized her skills to help me convert our content from a template site to Microsoft Front Page.  When it came time to expand our reach and technology resources, we transitioned to our WordPress format, and Dawn was right there every step!

Dawn not only worked above and beyond the call of duty every step of the way, she was also volunteering at our events, helping with crafts, publicity, anything and everything to expand our reach.  Oh yes, and Dawn did all of this while managing her full-time job, her two growing boys and her hobbies and activities as well!

“If you build it, they will come,” was the initial driving force when I started the website.  I knew if we provided consistent and quality information and resources, that busy families would come to trust and rely on our website, but what I didn’t know was how many amazing women would step forward to be part of this and become lifelong friends in the process.

Dawn, you’re one in a million, and I’m so honored you chose SpringfieldMoms to share your time and talents!  We wish you the best in your new “free time” and say thank you for all of you have done.  YOU are indeed a #1 SP MOM!

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