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Children and Chores: Great Reader Tips

chores 1Thanks to Springfield Moms readers Brianna Hale and Jessica Marcolini for sending these in.

Brianna writes:  “Need your kids to do all of their chores? Want to reward them but not sure how? I have found something that works like a charm! Make a list for your child of ALL chores that you expect them to complete in a given day (week, etc-age based). Mom and Dad, make 2 lists PER child.

One list will be for you and the other one will be for the child. On the list for you, mark a dollar amount (or reward) for almost all chores ranging in all dollar amounts (that you feel comfortable with) while leaving some chores with no dollar amount (or reward). Mix it up a bit and be clever! Your child will NEVER catch on….trust me!

On the list for your child, do not put a dollar amount (or reward) and do not tell them how much they can earn…just let them know that they can earn SOMETHING by completing ALL chores. cleaning supplies

The key is to teach your child to not pick and choose what they want to do, but for them to know they might get $1.00 for mowing the whole yard but might get $10 for simply putting away 5 dishes!!  Again, your child doesn’t know what they can earn before doing the chore.  However, the lesson learned is in order to get rewarded in life and learn discipline, they must do all of what is asked rather than picking and choosing what they like to do vs. what they don’t like to do!”

Jessica adds:  “We have 2 daughters and they each get a blank calendar at the start of the month. They have a list of chores: clean the table, unload the dishwasher, fold laundry. When they do their chores, they write it down on the calendar and then at the end of the month, they get an allowance. Sometimes they do extra things, clean a closet, clean windows and they put that on the calendar too. Since we started this process, the girls are much better at helping with chores because they know they are going to get an allowance for it.”

Thanks, Brianna and Jessica!  If you have a strategy that has worked for you regarding children and chores, please email us.  You’ll be entered into our monthly prize drawings.









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