Losing a tooth is such an exciting time for your child. These books add to the magic and the excitement of leaving those baby teeth under the pillow.
- You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? By Sheri-Bell Rehwoldt, illustrated by David Slonim. Chronicle Books, 2007.
- Dear Tooth Fairy by Alan Durant, illustrated by Vanessa Cabban. Candlewick, 2006.
- The Toothless Tooth Fairy by Shanelle Hicks, Mirror Publishing, 2014.
- The Tooth Fairy Rules by Melanie Mark, illustrated by Jennifer Kalis. Innovative Kids, 2006.
- Dad, Are You the Tooth Fairy? by Jason Alexander (of Seinfeld fame), illustrated by Ron Spears. Orchard Books, 2005. Spoiler alert! Read ahead yourself first. Sweet, sweet book guaranteed to be thought provoking!
- Tooth Fairy’s First Night by Anne Bowen, illustrated by John Berkeley. Carolrhoda Books, 2004.
- It’s a Mirolcool! by Christine Harris, Little Hare Book, 2012. This book is about Audrey and her worry that the tooth fairy won’t find her in the Australian outback.
- Tooth Fairy by Audrey Wood. Child’s Play International, 2003.
- Tamara the Tooth Fairy by Daisy Meadows, Orchard, 2012. An adventure story that begins with Jack Frost stealing the Tooth Fairy’s magic items.