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Blessed by Brenna, What a Difference a Year Makes

Springfield Moms contributor Courtney Westlake has shared her journey with all of us on her beautifully written blog Blessed By Brenna.  Recently, their family celebrated the one year anniversary from when Brenna was discharged from the NICU at St. John’s Children’s Hospital and ventured HOME.  What a wonderful way to start off your week being inspired by their journey and the hope of every child in the NICU each week.

For many of our readers, the NICU is a place you have experienced.  As Courtney so eloquently states: “When your baby is transferred from your belly to an isolated incubator instead of into your arms, time stops. Your world stops. You live in every day, every hour, and there is very little talk about the future because it is so uncertain and the second that you start talking about the future, your baby’s monitors loudly beep with alarm, throwing the reality in your face that anything can happen at any second, to these fragile babies whose tiny bodies are fighting to live and to function.”

Read more and be inspired today and every day by miracles like Brenna and so many others.


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