Biathlon Brigade! Let the Blogs Begin…

200x120_Biathlon-Med-Rectangle-Ad_050914We have started week four of the Women’s Biathlon Brigade training group.  We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Kerasotes YMCA and workout with a Memorial Sportscare trainer.  For many of us, it’s our first biathlon, and for some it’s their first running/biking attempt in any length, shape or form.  It’s a fun group of women of wide ages and stages that share a common goal: to prioritize our health and to MAKE time for fitness in our busy schedules.


Kim and fellow SpMoms reader Michele Kuntz on Day One of our Brigade training!

When we don’t meet as a group, we have a training plan to follow on our own.  I love having this accountability to others!  I don’t want to be the person who does nothing in between our group times; so even if I don’t follow EVERYTHING on the list; I am making the commitment to staying ACTIVE every day! 

My first step was to purchase as FitBit.  I love how it synchs automatically with the app so I can easily track how many steps I have walked each day (10,000 being the goal) and log exercises, eating habits and water intake.  Im not the best about inputting everything every day, and that’s okay!  The goal is to raise awareness and accountability of my daily choices, and at week four, I am proud to say that this is becoming a habit.  Am I still having weak moments of licorice, frozen coffee drinks and an occasional dessert indulgence….YES!  But, do I feel stronger, motivated and committed to the women in the brigade and to myself….ABSOLUTELY!

You will hear from some of the other women in our group in the near future!

Join us September 21st-— register today! 

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