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Adopt a Class of 2020 Senior!

Brandy Fletcher, mom to a senior at Springfield High School, was crushed as she watched her daughter, an only child, and her friends say goodbye to so much of what makes senior year so special – school, spring sports, prom, graduation and so much more. In March, she created the Adopt a Springfield Area Class of 2020 Senior facebook page and, since then, has helped the community celebrate hundreds of its graduating seniors.

The premise is simple – high school seniors and Springfield-area residents join the Facebook Group. Seniors answer a quick survey highlighting some of their favorite things, and a community member “adopts” them and gifts them something special based on their interests and hobbies. 

“Even though it’s not the way anyone ever imagined it, the way our community has come together to show our seniors they matter and we’re behind them, has been so moving,” shared Brandy. “We’ve seen some truly amazing connections come of this. One high school senior who is planning to study sign language this fall, got adopted by an adult who is hard of hearing. We’ve had several seniors in the foster system receive thoughtful and touching gifts. Thus far, we’ve had nearly 1,000 seniors be “adopted” throughout several high schools in our area.” 

Springfield-area residents can still join the Facebook Group here, which currently has more than 1,500 members


Similar facebook groups were also started for Pleasant Plains



seniors. If you know of others, please share the link in the comments below!



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