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$5 Vote for Beautiful Bras

breast cancerSpringfield Moms is proud to be part of the Beautiful Bras fundraiser at BJ Salon.  It’s become a tradition in our community to raise funds and continued awareness in a creative, inspirational and overall feel-good campaign. We would appreciate your support and $5 Vote to show local moms we’re behind them and supporting them at every step.  As I was designing the bra and burning my fingers with my hot glue gun, I looked across my room at the Mother’s Day Medal my daughter had made me.  The pink ribbon and “Best Mom” medallion has hung on my jewelry stand since that day.  I decided to integrate this medal into my design.  We all know someone who has battled breast cancer and we’ve seen the effect it has not just on those strong women, but their families. Cancer is a word, not a sentence, and we’re here to support you! #Hope #Family.

You can vote for #329 online here!

There are numerous creative entries so feel free to spread your votes around...it’s all for a wonderful cause! Proceeds from the Beautiful Bras event will be used to purchase hair loss accessories including wigs, hats, and scarves for wig boutiques in Champaign and Springfield, Illinois.

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