llinois Women in Leadership (IWIL) scholarship opportunities through the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln. The scholarships are offered every year with applications opening January 1 and closing on March 1.
IWL offer’s one $1750 scholarship to a woman who is returning to school after earning a high school diploma or GED at least five years ago. The winner also receives a laptop donated by Molina Healthcare. This is the link to the qualifications and there is a button at the bottom to start the application process.https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/90215
Additionally, we offer four scholarships to women who are graduating high school this year. They also each receive $1750 and a laptop. Here is the link to the high school qualifications and application. https://app.smarterselect.com/programs/89915
Photo of last year’s winners here.
The deadline is March 1; spread the word!