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12 Steps To Success: It’s Time!

JRE_Lunch_Dinner_toGoSummer is winding down, and it’s time to establish new routines as the hectic balance of work, kids schedules and fall events is right around the corner. What have I learned from owner Stephanie Johnson of Just Right Eating (JRE)  on my journey to healthier, and consistently healthier eating?

If you’re going to do it, DO IT!

Stephanie’s new blog on the 12 Steps to Success is a must read.  “If we don’t do something with intention then we probably aren’t going to succeed.  It runs parallel to anything we aspire to do whether it is our education, career, or become more financially fit.  For most of the things we accomplish in life, we can’t quit we must keep moving forward taking one step at a time. “

We’re all good at making excuses, and I’m certainly one to admit when things get off track in my fitness or eating, but I take it one day at a time.  Every day is a chance to start FRESH.  Investing in your health means taking time each day to have a plan and with Just Right Eating, they take the guess work out of it.  Also, we’re human and we won’t be perfect all of the time, nor should we!  As Stephanie advises: “the antidote to all-or-nothing thinking is an 80/20 approach that lets you strive to make healthy choices 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time allows for intentional treats and missed exercise bouts and makes provisions for unintended splurges.”

I was worried I would spend more money on food than my weekly grocery bill and frequent fast food and carryout meals, and that is simply NOT the case.  I’m eating healthier food, spending less, and feel so much better!

I agree wholeheartedly with Stephanie’s methodology for why JRE works and is economical for adults serious about making a change.

“When we opened JRE we deeply researched the cost of food, how much food an individual buys and inevitably throws away, the gas and time it takes to shop, the preparation time, dining out, the stress of not knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat causes a great deal of stress and eventually causes us to become frustrated and want to give up, and not to mention the cost of insurance if you are not a healthy individual.  Individuals spend a lot more on all the factors involved than it costs to receive meals from Just Right Eating.

Stop in and meet their staff, try some grab and go meals and learn about the many levels of meal plans you can choose from to meet your lifestyle needs.  Let us know what works best for you!

JRE_339x100Read Stephanie’s full blog here on the 12 Steps to Success!

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